Recipes, Seafood

Seafood pasta with white sauce

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Seafood pasta with white sauce contains a lot of nutrients, which are beneficial to health, so it is necessary to eat it from time to time, and in today’s recipe we offer delicious fettuccine pasta with seafood and tomato sauce with herbs and spices in an easy and fast way, here is how to prepare it in an easy and simple way.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Ingredients:

1 tablespoon of maple syrup
cup of chopped shrimp
cup of chopped scallops
cup of chopped cod
Two tablespoons of unsalted butter
Two tablespoons of flour
Three cups of milk
1 teaspoon of curry
1 teaspoon onion powder[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]How to prepare :

1- In the beginning, we prepare the basic cream ingredients, which are butter and flour, where we put the butter in a deep saucepan over a low heat until it melts, then add the flour and continue to stir for a minute over a low heat, then gradually add the milk and raise the heat to medium or high and stir constantly until the texture becomes completely thick.

3- Then we bring the onion powder, curry and maple syrup, then bring the shrimp, scallops and cod fish and put all the ingredients on top of the sauce and leave it on low heat for about 10 minutes until the seafood is cooked, stirring occasionally, so that the creamy sauce is ready to serve it alone or with spaghetti or any other recipe. good Appetite.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]